Monday, November 15, 2010

American Diabetes Month – ‘Hidden’ exercise

There are so many topics to address when it comes to talking about diabetes.  Living with diabetes, provides daily challenges and many changes to the routines you have developed over the years.  Early diagnosis of type 2 diabetes is often first managed with changes to diet and exercise.  Hopefully the word ‘diet’ doesn’t elicit images of tasteless cardboard like food (we will dispel this idea in the future).  ‘Exercise’ shouldn’t conjure images of hours on the treadmill, repetitive weight lifting, or being covered in sweat.  Small changes to your daily activities can add some of the exercise you need to best manage your diabetes. Here are a few ideas from your friends at AFAS:

·         Raking leaves:  While you should take caution if you have any kind of lung or heart condition, raking the leaves in your yard can really get your blood flowing.  The action of raking includes muscles in your back, arms, chest, and legs.  By using these muscles, your body can better process the glucose in your blood and more efficiently use the insulin you produce.

·         Parking in the back:  You may have heard this one a few times before, but instead of parking right up front, opt for one of the many open spaces in the back.  This, of course, requires that you have a little extra time.  Instead of looping around the parking lot to find a space closer to the entrance of your work or shopping center of choice, grab one of the many empty spaces in the back of the lot and get a little extra walking in everyday.  Walking is one of the best and simple exercises you can do to boost your health.

·         Take the stairs:  If you work on the 20th floor of the office building, hoofing it up the stairs in your business attire probably won’t do.  Now taking it to the 18th floor and walking a couple flights of stairs will provide some added activity without sweat beading up on your forehead.

Remember that living a healthy lifestyle, no matter how long or severe your diabetes is, can only help you better manage your blood sugars.  This November be aware of your diabetes or help a friend or family member to be aware of theirs.  There is a wealth of information from the American Diabetes Association®, family doctor, podiatrist, dietitian and other health care providers to help you best manage this challenging disease.

Until next time, watch your blood sugars and keep those feet happy and healthy Austin!

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